ELSPAC for Professionals


Establishment of Partnership

If you are interested in using available data from the ELSPAC.CZ database, please follow these steps:

  1. Send your request to info@celspac.cz.
  2. You will be contacted by the project manager who will discuss and, if necessary, work up your project plan.
  3. The ELSPAC Executive Council will assess the proposed project plans with regard to their quality and feasibility and will recommend the selected ones to be carried out.
  4. If your request is approved, a contract will be concluded between the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University and your institution.
  5. Data in the agreed form and extent will be provided based on this contract.

Please keep in mind that your data request must be submitted at least 3 months before starting your research.

Contact us in case of any doubts.


Bienertova-Vasku, J., Zlamal, F., Prusa, T., Novak, J., Mikes, O., Cupr, P., Pohorala, A., Svancara, J., Andryskova, L., Pikhart, H.: Parental heights and maternal education as predictors of length/height of children at birth, age 3 and 19 years, independently on diet: the ELSPAC study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2017; 1-7.

Izakovicova Holla, L., Borilova Linhartova, P., Kastovsky, J., Bartosova, M., Musilova, K., Kukla, L., Kukletova, M.: Vitamin D Receptor TaqI Gene Polymorphism and Dental Caries in Czech Children. Caries Research. 2017;51:7-11

Stepanikova, I., Kukla, L., Svancara, J.: Predictive Value of Self-Rated Health in Pregnancy for Childbirth Complications, Adverse Birth Outcomes, and Maternal Health. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2016;135(1):56-60.

Piler, P., Kandrnal, V., Kukla, L., Andryskova, L., Svancara, J., Jarkovsky, J., Dusek, L., Pikhart, H., Bobak, M., Klanova, J. Cohort Profile: The European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC) in the Czech Republic. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2016; 1-7.

Ruiz M, Goldblatt P, Morrison J, Porta D, Forastiere F, Hryhorczuk D, et al. Impact of low maternal education on early childhood overweight and obesity in Europe. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2016;in press.

Ruiz M, Goldblatt P, Morrison J, Kukla L, Svancara J, Riitta-Jarvelin M, et al. Mother's education and the risk of preterm and small for gestational age birth: a DRIVERS meta-analysis of 12 European cohorts. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2015;69(9):826-33.

Bob P, Selesova P, Raboch J, Kukla L. Dissociative Symptoms and Mother's Marital Status in Young Adult Population. Medicine. 2015;94(2).

Holla LI, Linhartova PB, Lucanova S, Kastovsky J, Musilova K, Bartosova M, et al. GLUT2 and TAS1R2 Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Dental Caries. Caries Research. 2015;49(4):417-24.

Volckova M, Linhartova PB, Trefna T, Vlazny J, Musilova K, Kukletova M, et al. Lack of Association between Lactotransferrin Polymorphism and Dental Caries. Caries Research. 2014;48(1):39-44.

Bob P, Selesova P, Raboch J, Kukla L. 'Pseudoneurological' symptoms, dissociation and stress-related psychopathology in healthy young adults. BMC Psychiatry. 2013;13.149.

Kukletova M, Holla LI, Musilova K, Broukal Z, Kukla L. Relationship between gingivitis severity, caries experience and orthodontic anomalies in 13-15 year-old adolescents in Brno, Czech Republic. Community Dental Health. 2012;29(2):179-83.

Vokurka J, Klapusova L, Pantuckova P, Kukletova M, Kukla L, Holla LI. The association of MMP-9 and IL-18 gene promoter polymorphisms with gingivitis in adolescents. Archives of Oral Biology. 2009;54(2):172-8.

Holla LI, Musilova K, Vokurka J, Klapusova L, Pantuckova P, Kukletova M, et al. Association of interleukin-6 (IL-6) haplotypes with plaque-induced gingivitis in children. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2008;66(2):105-12.

Henderson AJ, Sherriff A, Northstone K, Kukla L, Hruba D, Alspac, et al. Pre- and postnatal parental smoking and wheeze in infancy: cross cultural differences. European Respiratory Journal. 2001;18(2):323-9.

Examples of ELSPAC Questionnaires

Questionnaire title Data collection Period No. of questionnaires Designation

Questionnaires filled in by the child’s mother

About you, mother 1990–1991 prenatal 4,811 P1
I am expecting a baby 4,806 P2
Postnatal questionnaire for mother 1991–1992 newborn 5,151 N3
Motherhood 1991–1992 6 months 4,667 PN6/1
Questionnaire for a person looking after a 18-month-old child 1992–1993 18 months 3,606 PN18/1
About you, mother 1994–1995 3 years 3,709 T1
About you, mother 1996–1997 5 years 3,635 F1
About you, mother 1998–1999 7 years 3,312 S1
About you, mother 2002–2003 11 years 2,609 E1
Questionnaire for mothers of 15-year-olds 2006–2007 15 years 1,706 FT1A, FT1B
Questionnaire for mothers of 19-year-olds 2010–2011 19 years 1,056; 1,052; 1,046 NT1A, NT1B, NT1C
Questionnaires about the child - filled in by his mother or other person looking after him
I am expecting a baby 1990–1991 prenatal 4,806 P2
My baby 1991–1992 newborn 5,015 N4
My child 1991–1992 6 months 4,689 PN6/2
Questionnaire about the child 1992–1993 18 months 3,661 PN18/2
Child and his environment 1994–1995 3 years 3,715 T2
Your child’s health 3,701 T5
Child and his environment 1996–1997 5 years 3,645 F2
Your child’s health 3,641 F5
Child and his environment 1998–1999 7 years 3,302 S2
Your child’s health 3,311 S5
Child and his environment 2002–2003 11 years 2,570 E2
Your child’s health 2,552 E5
Your child’s behaviour and activities 2,566 E7
Your adolescent son/daughter and his/her environment 2006–2007 15 years 1,712 FT2
Your adolescent son/daughter and his/her health 1,695 FT5
Behaviour and activities of your adolescent son/daughter 1,706 FT7
Your adolescent son/daughter and his/her environment 2009–2010 18 years 1,424 ET2
Your adolescent son/daughter and his/her health 1,417 ET5
Your adolescent son/daughter and his/her environment 1,422 ET7
Your adolescent son/daughter and his/her attitudes 2010–2011 19 years 1,048 NT2
Your adolescent son/daughter and his/her health 1,049 NT5
Questionnaires filled in by the child’s father
Questionnaire for the partner 1990–1991 prenatal 4,450 P3
Postnatal questionnaire for the partner 1991–1992 newborn 4,653 N5
Fatherhood 1991–1992 6 months 4,185 PN6/3
Questionnaire for the partner 1992–1993 18 months 3,174 PN18/3
About you, father 1994–1995 3 years 3,238 T3
About you, father 1996–1997 5 years 3,079 F3
About you, father 1998–1999 7 years 2,768 S3
About you, father 2002–2003 11 years 2,047 E3
Questionnaire for fathers of 15-year-olds 2006–2007 15 years 1,296 FT3A, FT3B
Questionnaire for fathers of 19-year-olds 2010–2011 19 years 958; 959; 956 NT3A, NT3B, NT3C
Questionnaires filled in by the followed-up child
Questionnaire for the child 2002–2003 11 years 2,576 E6
Questionnaire for adolescents, 1st part 2006–2007 15 years 1,648 FT6
Questionnaire for adolescents, 2nd part 1,649 FT8
Questionnaire for young adults 2009–2010 18 years 718 ET6
Questionnaire for young adults 630 ET8
Questionnaire for young adults 598 ET9
Questionnaire for young adults 2010–2011 19 years 563 NT6
Questionnaire for young adults 459 NT8
Questionnaire for young adults 408 NT9
Questionnaires filled in by the child’s teacher
Questionnaire for teachers 1999–2000 8 years 2,706 U8
Questionnaire for teachers 2002–2003 11 years 1,926 U11
Questionnaire for teachers 2004–2005 13 years 1,614 U13
Questionnaire for teachers 2006–2007 15 years 1,443 U15
Questionnaire for teachers 2009–2010 18 years 524 U18
Questionnaire for teachers 2010–2011 19 years canceled U19
Questionnaires filled in by the child’s GP (paediatrician)
Postnatal questionnaire 1991–1992 newborn 7,350 N1
Questionnaire on the newborn admission 863 N2
Questionnaire on the child’s hospitalization * H
State of health in 8 months 1991–1993 8 months 7,185 PN8–4
State of health in 18 months 1992–1993 18 months 6,831 PN18–4
Questionnaire on the child’s state of health at 3 years of age 1994–1995 3 years 6,707 T4
Questionnaire on the child’s state of health at 5 years of age 1996–1997 5 years 6,463 F4
Questionnaire on the child’s state of health at 7 years of age 1998–1999 7 years


Child’s assessment and examination at 8 years of age 1999–2000 8 years 888 V8
Questionnaire on the child’s state of health at 11 years of age 2002–2003 11 years 5,113 E4
Child’s assessment and examination at 11 years of age 1,065 V11
Questionnaire on the child’s state of health at 13 years of age 2004–2005 13 years 4,144 TH4
Child’s assessment and examination at 13 years of age 811 V13
Questionnaire on the child’s state of health at 15 years of age 2006–2007 15 years 4,203 FT4
Child’s assessment and examination at 15 years of age 974 V15
Questionnaire on the adolescent’s state of health at 18 years of age 2009–2010 18 years 3,132 ET4
Adolescent’s assessment and examination at 18 years of age 547 V18
Questionnaire on the adolescent’s state of health at 19 years of age 2010–2011 19 years 2,697 NT4
Adolescent’s assessment and examination at 19 years of age 275 V19

Only in Czech

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